Megformeg Education 3 Ways To Become Fluent In English As A Working Professional

3 Ways To Become Fluent In English As A Working Professional

The fast-paced world that we live in stands on the pillars of effective communication. English has seeped into every corner of the world for the working class and has become the preferred language of communication for global businesses. Consequently, businesses have increasingly preferred employees who possess a good command of English. 

This demand has motivated many non-native speakers to take up English speaking live lessons in hopes of broadening their job prospects. Still, it’s essential to go beyond conventional language learning methods if an individual wants to master the art of English speaking. Here are three unconventional yet effective ways to become fluent in English as a working professional:

1. English Podcasts & Shows: As a working professional, it may be difficult to find time outside of work to learn English. However, that shouldn’t be a reason to avoid investing time to sharpen English skills. Working professionals can pair up their leisure time with language learning by tuning into their favorite English movies or TV shows. Additionally, the commute time between office and home can be transformed into a productive period if a person decides to put on an English podcast in the background.

Research has proven that listening can greatly enhance vocabulary, grammar, and the overall command of the English language. Thus, utilizing movies, shows, and podcasts to gain exposure to English can be a great way to practice and improve, all while getting the daily dose of entertainment. Furthermore, a working professional can even make the selection of shows or podcasts that align with their interests and professional goals. This method not proves to be an excellent English speech practice, but also helps individuals learn industry-specific vocabulary.

2. Live English Classes: Many fluent English speaking coach offer short English practice sessions in exchange for a fee. Working professionals can take advantage of this offering to improve their English speaking. Since working professionals may find it hard to fit in an additional commitment for English classes, short English conversation practice sessions can emerge as the middle ground. 

The best part of it all is that most of the time, individuals won’t be required to venture out of their house specifically to attend a session. Live English practice sessions can be accessed via an English speaking app or a web-based platform, which allows individuals to learn English even during breaks during office hours. Additionally, since these practice sessions are conducted entirely online, learners get to interact with speakers from all over the world. It helps them explore different dialects, accents, and cultural lexis, which facilitates holistic learning. 

3. Networking: The best way to learn English is by practicing real-time conversations with different people. For working professionals, this could translate into networking. Individuals wanting to improve their English and communication skills can attend networking events to not only expand their professional connections but also to enhance their English language proficiency. Networking provides a unique opportunity for working professionals to engage in real-time conversations with individuals from all demographics, including native English speakers. This method accomplishes a double purpose, as individuals can gain knowledge about the latest industry trends and opportunities, all while practicing English.

If a learner finds it difficult to engage in in-person conversations, they can choose to network through text. English fluency app and online networking platforms enable individuals to express their thoughts and participate in discussions at their own pace. Additionally, it opens up opportunities to connect with people from all over the world, which is a trait that offline networking events rarely possess.

Wrapping Up:

Working professionals may often experience a time crunch, given that they have many commitments to fulfill, which is why it’s best to combine different activities like networking and leisure activities with English learning to turn every minute into a productive session.